“Unlocking your child’s fullest potential, when education alone is not enough”
Welcome Parents!
Flaming Sword Christian Academy (FSCA) is conducting Face-to-Face classroom lectures. Our Campus is combined with a variety of traditional, gifted, and supportive students. Whether your student is ahead of their peers, academically gifted, college prepped, simply not a good test taker, behind in learning, getting bullied in public schools, suffers from anxiety, or has a mild-moderate learning challenges such as ADD, ADHD, or Autism; FSCA is the home for them! Our Academy uses the ABEKA Curriculum with a blend of Traditional Public School Curriculum.
No Uniforms
Zero Tolerance on Bullying
1:10 Teacher-to-Student Ratio
Onsite ABA, Speech, and OT therapy
Annual Tuition: $8,500.00
Payment options available
FSCA’s College Prep - Gifted Academic Program follows the UNC admittance requirements, earns a university ready diploma and students must have Honor Roll grades of A’s and B’s as a pre-requisite of this program.
Annual Tuition: $8,500.00
Payment options available
The Traditional Academic Program follows UNC admittance requirements for community college, military and/or university. Students may have average grades, but could be lower than A’s and B’s, and earns a traditional diploma.
Annual Tuition: $8,500.00 - $10,000.00
Payment options available
The Occupational Program is a diploma-generating program for students who function below age and/or grade level expectations. This diploma pathway is intended to build skills that will prepare students for entry into the workforce or, in some some cases, a community college certification program.
Annual Tuition: $9,000.00
Payment options available
The Supportive Bridges Program is for students (K-12th) who have only accommodations with documented average or above average cognitive development. However, if student is two or more years behind academically, they must be assigned to Intensive Bridges Program regardless of cognitive development.
Annual Tuition: $10,000.00
Payment options available
The Intensive Bridges Program is for students who are two or more years behind academically, who may not be able to pass the typical high school exit exam, and who have a public school IEP with needed accommodations and modifications. Students in the Bridges Program may take more than four (4) years to complete high school because of accommodations and modifications needed. Students in The Bridges Program may earn an IEP Diploma and not the typical high school diploma.
To view your student's supply list, please click the link below, and search for your student's teacher.
Any individuals not listed on your student's authorization for pick-up, WILL NOT be able to check your student out, or pick them up in carline.
Before Care ....................... $200.00
6:00am - 7:30am
After Care: ......................... $250.00
3:30pm - 6:00pm
Before & Aftercare ............ $350.00
Emergency Care ................. $25.00 (per student, per day)
Coach: Keyondre Currence
Schedule: Monday & Wednesday
Time: 3:45pm - 4:45pm
Location: FSCA Weight Room
Monthly Fee: ……….. $100.00
Instructor: Master Sgro
Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 3:45pm - 4:30pm
Monthly Fee: ..… $100.00
Gear package: ….$150.00
Uniform: ...…….. $ 50.00
Please select this form if your student's physician needs to prescribe or renew your student's medication.
If your student needs to take their medicine during school hours, please complete this form and turn it to the front office.
Once approved, the students medication must be kept at the front office.
A school administrator will administer the students medication, per the labeled instructions.